Europe Regional Summit Updates
(Italy, Spain and Slovenia)

Regional Summit 11-12 October 2019
Riva del Garda

Dear TMs, The event date is close! Below you can find same info of the next Synergy Regional Summit in Riva del Garda on 11-12 October 2019. If you haven't already, please click here to register.

Friday 11. October:
• From 3.00 PM to 7.00 PM Registration
• 8.00 PM The roaring 20s-themed Welcome Party that will be held in the Congress Center ballroom. We are waiting for you all themed clothes!!!

Saturday 12. October:
• 8.00 AM Registration
• 8.45 AM Open Door
• 9.00 AM First Session
• 10.30 AM Break
• 11.00 AM Second Session
• 1.00 PM Lunch break
• 2.30 PM Third Session
• 4.00 PM Break
• 4.20 PM Fourth Session
• 6.00 PM end of works

*Timetables are indicative, you will find the definitive agenda at the Registrations.

We will have several guests including:

1. Lynn Ohman
2. Giuliano Sciortino, General Secretary of AVEDISCO
3. Dianne Leavitt, Double Presidential executive Synergy
4. Paul Blad, Presidential executive Synergy
5. Rudy Pedroza, Presidential executive Synergy
6. Corporate

For your Accommodation in Riva del Garda we can grant all Synergy Team Members the following special rates:
3 stars hotel bed and breakfast basis euro 40,00 per person per night.
Single bedded rooms: supplement of euro 15,00 per person per day

If you are interested please send a confirmation e-mail within 25th September 2019 to (phone: +39 349 3108558) specifying:
• Your full name, email address and mobile number
• Name of your sponsor
• How many people you are booking for and how many rooms
• Address in your country

For groups that wish to be accommodated all in the same hotel, we suggest you send a complete list of all participants together and to reserve as soon as possible.



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