Summit 2022 highlights

First of all, THANK YOU! Thank you to every single one of you who attended our Summit 2022. You are the reason why we love doing this, and we couldn’t be happier to share this special day with you. For anyone who missed it or if you just need a quick reminder, here are some of our Summit 2022 highlights:  

Product launches: Probably one of the most exciting parts, our new product launches! This year we have launched a brand-new Sport Shaker Bottle, Essential Greens, and CoQ10. What are you most excited about?

Promotions: It wouldn’t be a Synergy WorldWide Summit if we didn’t have great promotions. 

    · Vitamin D3: Buy 2 get one FREE, extended and now available until the end of September!

    · Collagen+: Buy 2, get one FREE!

    · Collagen+ Beauty: Buy 2, get one FREE! 

    · Free Jade Roller: With every l’amara superior pack purchased you get a free jade roller as a gift. Enhance your experience with Synergy WorldWide l’amara. Available until supply lasts, or through the month of September.

#MyGreenPOWER challenge: We love creating new challenges with you and sharing and seeing all of your journeys on social media. Check out the details for our #MyGreenPOWER challenge here!

One Tree Planted: Partnering with Impact Foundation and One Tree Planted, Synergy Europe will plant a tree for each unit of Essential Greens sold during September and October. Trees clean our air and water, create habitats for biodiversity, contributes to our health and wellbeing, and create jobs for social impact. 



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