A continuación esta la lista de nombres de todos los que avanzaron de rango en Europa en el mes de septiembre! Felicitaciones a nuestros miembros del equipo que trabajan duro, que continuan dedicando tiempo y esfuerzo para su negocio de Synergy.
Avances de rango en septiembre

Team Elite
Maurizio Biasci (Italy)
Team Manager Giancarlo Genazzano (Italy)
Gianluca Daneri (Italy)
Team Leader
Chinedu Leonard Mgbams (Ireland)
Harriet Rautio (Sweden)
Kuba Chrzanowski (Ireland)
Lorenzo Baffico (Italy)
Salvatore Paruta (Italy)
Harriet Rautio (Sweden)
Jørn Strøm (Norway)
Kuba Chrzanowski (Ireland)
Lorenzo Baffico (Italy)
Salvatore Paruta (Italy)Team Manager Giancarlo Genazzano (Italy)
Gianluca Daneri (Italy)
Team Leader
Chinedu Leonard Mgbams (Ireland)
Harriet Rautio (Sweden)
Kuba Chrzanowski (Ireland)
Lorenzo Baffico (Italy)
Salvatore Paruta (Italy)
Jørn Strøm (Norway)
Kuba Chrzanowski (Ireland)
Liliana Ruocco (Italy)
Salvatore Paruta (Italy)
Torild Håvardstun (Norway)
BronzeAntonia Molinari (Italy) Claudio Luongo (Italy) Dino Cinà (Italy) Fabio Macchiarella (Italy) Filippo Piazza (Italy) Geir Gjerdevik (Norway) Henryk Chmiel (Poland) Jaana-riitta Simpanen (Finland) Jørn Strøm (Norway) Linda Paruta (Italy) Pierletizia Guastella (Italy) Piia Hämäläinen (Finland) Remigiusz Podebski (Netherlands) Salla Wilskman (Finland) Salvatore Paruta (Italy)
Alicja Chrzanowska (Poland) Andrzej Bal (Ireland) Anni Haavisto (Finland) Antonia Molinari (Italy) Antonio Gamberini (Italy) Bartłomiej Guguła (Poland) Carlo Guastella (Italy) Daniel Okechukwu (Ireland) Darren & Karen Gee (United Kingdom) Davide Berti (Italy) Eila Puhakka (Finland) Elin Nilsson (Sweden) Emanuela Corsini (Italy) Esterina Parisi (Italy) Fabrizia Malinverni (Italy) Filippo Piazza (Italy) Fredrik Beckius (Sweden) Giorgio Barone (Italy) Helga Kovacic (Austria) Ingunn Elverum (Norway) Jaana Afflekt (Finland) Jolanta Bieniek (Poland) Jørn Strøm (Norway) Jutta Lehner (Austria) Leonardo Adamo (Italy) Linda Paruta (Italy) Liv Margrethe Øyen Hol (Norway) Malgorzata & Tomasz Baturo (Ireland) Mario Andrea Leporatti (Italy) Mario Brevi (Italy) Moreno Diolaiti (Italy) Nanyka Lunsadisova (Ireland) Petr Majer (Czech Republic) Pierletizia Guastella (Italy) Roberta Iacuitti (Italy) Rosa Altese (Italy) Rosalia Governale (Italy) Silvia Verruso (Italy) Siru Wilskman (Finland) Trine Tangnes (Norway) Ulrich Morgenstern (Austria) Virginia Rodriguez (Italy)
SeptiembreTop Recruiters
Team Members with the most personally sponsored tracking centers

Kuba Chrzanowski (Ireland) - 7
Maurizio Biasci (Italy) - 7
Salvatore Paruta (Italy) - 6
Oistein Bekkvang (Norway) - 5
Manuela Citarda (Italy) - 5
Kuba Chrzanowski (Ireland) - 4
Robert Suppan (Austria) - 3
Eric & Kati Gammals (Finland) - 3
Liliana Ruocco (Italy) - 3
Magda Lo (Ireland) - 3
Gianluca Daneri (Italy) - 2
Ulyana Matschek (Austria) - 2
Chinedu Leonard Mgbams (Ireland) - 2
Anne Tveiterâs (Norway) - 2
Stefan Euler (Germany) - 2
Lorenzo Baffico (Italy) - 2
Pierletizia Guastella (Italy) - 2
Dino Chinà (Italy) - 2
Team Members with the most personally sponsored tracking centers

Kuba Chrzanowski (Ireland) - 7
Henryk Chmiel (Poland) - 6
Jolanta Bieniek (Poland) - 6
Martina Stiborkova (Czech Republic) - 6
Fredrik Beckius (Sweden) - 5
Janna Afflekt (Finland) - 5
Salvatore Paruta (Italy) - 5
Claudio Luongo (Italy) - 5
Damian Zukiewicz (Poland) - 5
Frode Berentzen (Norway) - 4
Anne Tveiterâs (Norway) - 4
Teresa Karkula (Poland) - 4
Dusan Srom (Czech Republic) - 4
Mateusz Pas (Poland) - 4
Dietmar Dahmen (Poland) - 4
Septiembre Top Team Builders
Jolanta Bieniek (Poland) - 6
Martina Stiborkova (Czech Republic) - 6
Fredrik Beckius (Sweden) - 5
Janna Afflekt (Finland) - 5
Salvatore Paruta (Italy) - 5
Claudio Luongo (Italy) - 5
Damian Zukiewicz (Poland) - 5
Frode Berentzen (Norway) - 4
Anne Tveiterâs (Norway) - 4
Teresa Karkula (Poland) - 4
Dusan Srom (Czech Republic) - 4
Mateusz Pas (Poland) - 4
Dietmar Dahmen (Poland) - 4
Septiembre Top Team Builders
Team Members with the most personally sponsored rank advancements
Maurizio Biasci (Italy) - 7
Salvatore Paruta (Italy) - 6
Oistein Bekkvang (Norway) - 5
Manuela Citarda (Italy) - 5
Kuba Chrzanowski (Ireland) - 4
Robert Suppan (Austria) - 3
Eric & Kati Gammals (Finland) - 3
Liliana Ruocco (Italy) - 3
Magda Lo (Ireland) - 3
Gianluca Daneri (Italy) - 2
Ulyana Matschek (Austria) - 2
Chinedu Leonard Mgbams (Ireland) - 2
Anne Tveiterâs (Norway) - 2
Stefan Euler (Germany) - 2
Lorenzo Baffico (Italy) - 2
Pierletizia Guastella (Italy) - 2
Dino Chinà (Italy) - 2